Adopt an Artifact
In addition to our nationally significant buildings, we have several thousand artifacts which also help to tell the story of the Children of Peace. We work hard to take care of these artifacts in order to preserve them for future generations.
By making a donation to “adopt” an artifact for one year, you will help us to continue this important work. You will help us to purchase archival and museum supplies in order to better store, restore, and care for the artifacts in our collection.
When you adopt an artifact, we will provide the following:
An income tax receipt for the full amount of your donation
A certificate listing your name
A photo of the artifact you have adopted, and
A card displayed alongside your artifact, recognizing your support, according to your wishes
Artifacts for Adoption:

$500 level:
The Ark: The centerpiece of the Temple, completed by master craftsman John Doan in 1832
Barrel Organ: Built by Richard Coates for the First Meeting House c. 1820, it played twenty hymn tunes.
1845 Pipe Organ: Built by Richard Coates for the Second Meeting House, one of the oldest keyboard instruments still in use in Canada today.
$350 level:
Rebellion Boxes: One of seven boxes in our collection, made by prisoners in the Toronto Gaol following the Rebellion of 1837.
The Doan Buggy: Used by Ebenezer Doan and his family as they travelled from Bucks County, Pennsylvania, to Upper Canada in 1808, now housed inside the Doan Drive Shed.
Alms Table: We believe this table would have stood at one of the four corners of the Ark for the propose of collection contributions to the Charity Fund.
Lectern from the Second Meeting House: From this lectern spoke David Willson along with some of the most famous Canadians of his time, including John Strachan, Robert Baldwin, and Louis Hippolyte Lafontaine.
$250 level:
Desk in David Willson’s Study: David Willson was known for writing many devotional works and hymn verses, which would have been written at the desk in his study.
Melodeon in David Willson’s Study: This portable melodeon, or reed organ, is exhibited in David Willson’s study.
Stove in the Cookhouse: This rare cook stove, called “The Adriatic,” was patented in 1858 and manufactured by J.G. Beard and Sons in Toronto, Canada West.
$100 level:
Mouse trap: Located in the Doan House scullery, this mouse trap came from the Doan family.
Cradle in the Log House: This pine cradle with tall hood was used to help keep away the drafts.
Stove in the Doan House Parlour: One of several unusual stoves in the Sharon Temple collection, this decorative piece was made about 1860.
Settle Bed in Log Cabin: The original “Hide-a-Bed.” This bench or “settle” opens up to become an extra bed—a must in crowded pioneer households.
Table Top Loom in Log Cabin: This loom sits on top of the dresser in the Log Cabin, with the original warp and weft from when it was donated.
$50 level:
Brass candlesticks in the Doan House Parlour: As first, these look like a pair, but there are subtle differences between them. They provide a simple but elegant touch to the Doan House parlour.
Apple Peeler in Doan House: This cool contraption was used to peel an apple and sits on the Doan House Kitchen table.
Butter Mold in Cookhouse: Butter molds were a way to mark your family’s butter with a special design or print.
Candle Mold: This candle mold located in the Cookhouse can make up to 18 candles at one time.